
From BHQFU press release

Collaboration with writer/sociologist Denise Milstein and other members of Ensayos

FUG will serve as Ensayos’ New York basecamp—part residency, part exhibition and part seminar. The seminar, led by curator Camila Marambio,​who founded and directs Ensayos, looks at research or project-based artistic practices using Ensayos as a working model. Throughout the month, a web-like installation will grow in the space, combining elements of artist Christy Gast​’s research on plant-based textile dyes and sociologist Denise Milstein’​s social network mapping. The formal elements of this narrative web are determined by chance (colors derived from the forest) and technology (a coded data set), and reflect input from many voices, highlighting the questions of authorship that arise from complex, multidisciplinary collaborations. The FUG residency opens Ensayos’ process to the public, functioning as a space to give form to an evolving set of inquiries.

Ensayos is: ​Christy Gast (artist), Giorgia Graells & Derek Corcoran (biologists), Sossa Jorgensen (artist), Fabienne Lasserre (artist), Carla Macchiavello (art historian), Camila Marambio (curator), Denise Milstein (sociologist), Maria Luisa Murillo (artist), Randi Nygård (artist), Laura Ogden (anthropologist), Alfredo Prieto (archeologist), Bárbara Saavedra (ecologist), Carolina Saquel (artist), Juan Andrés Silva (sociologist), Karolin Tampere (curator), Geir Tore Holm (artist), Sofía Ugarte (sociologist), Cecilia Vicuña (artist), amongst others.

About Ensayos: ​Ensayos is a nomadic research program that enables experimental interdisciplinary practice as a model to deal with ecological issues in Tierra del Fuego (TdF). The program is motivated by the strong sentiment that TdF, despite its remoteness, is a cultural and geographical center from which to speculate and exercise emergent forms of bio-cultural ethics.